
Welcome to Idle Hands Publishing! My name is Marc Tabyanan, and I am blogger living in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. I am a husband, a retired engineer, a Mason and a world traveler.

I have a number of websites that I manage and write for, including:

  • untold-realms.com. Untold Realms is my site where I write about roleplaying and my gaming hobby.
  • engenetics.org. engenetcs.org is a website where I write about a satirical cult-like organization.
  • tabyaninn.com. The TabyanInn is a site where my wife and I show our favorite recipes and write about life--and our food obsession.
  • oklahomacabooses.us. Oklahoma Cabooses is a site where my wife and I write about our travels around the state of Oklahoma, and our goal of finding every caboose in the state.
  • tracitabyanan.com. This is a website where my wife writes articles about business and being a life coach. I support the site for her.

idlehandspublishing.com is a "bucket site" for these other websites, a place where I can logically use as a springboard to them.

On this site, I will be writing about what I learn blogging, including writing, marketing and the technical side of blogging. I will only be writing here occasionally, since th other sites are my real priority.

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