New Idle Hands Publishing Site

Recently I made the decision to replace the old Idle Hands Publishing one page website with a full-blown WordPress one. I've been thinking about this for a while, and finally decided to go through with it.

Why I Changed

Very good question. The simple answer is that I needed the website to do more than it was. Of course, the real answer is a bit more complicated than that.

For starters, I wanted a website that could act as a bucket collection point for my other websites that I write for. Even though Idle Hands is not a "company" per se, I want a central place to write about the sites and work that I do on them. That includes email marketing, SEO, social media and analytics.

I also wanted a WordPress site I could use as a testbed for new plugins and technologies without dorking up my existing productions sites (yes, that is a technical term).

Above all, I redid the site to just make it a little more professional. The old site had a fun humor quality to it, but it was not really practical. I think this new one is more useful for me, and will let me do the things I need to do--and not be worried about showing it off.

What I Will Do Moving Forward

So from this point on, I will be writing short articles about what I learn on the technologies I mentioned above. I will post them on this site as I get the chance, but not on a regular schedule. My other sites are where my focus is, rightfully so, but I do want to get down on paper what I have figured out about blogging and the tools that support it.

If you want to read more, sign up for my newsletter to get the info whenever it becomes available. I won't spam you, I promise!


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